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Marie Laurianne Palin

Passionate About Inspiring Others

Marie Laurianne Palin MBA  

Founder & Chief Operation Officer​​


Headquarters & Office (USA)

Charlotte, NC 28217

United States of America   â€‹â€‹


Phone: (704) 412-8652

(French, English, Spanish)



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                       Marie Laurianne, MBA was born in the suburb of Paris, Rosny-sous-bois (93) where she was raised. She is originated from Martinique. Both her parent Henri and Josette, were born and raised in Martinique, Tartane, and La Trinité respectively. 

Her journey to leadership and entrepreneurship began nearly 20+ years ago when she relocated to the United States as an Au Pair. During her exchange with a family in Maryland, Marie discovered her passion for people. She has since been on a quest to make a positive impact with every encounter. From being a mentor to coach to leading community events and volunteer efforts. Marie has helped shaped many young minds into successful leaders and entrepreneurs. Marie has flourished in the United States but she hasn't forgotten about her home country, France, and her home Tartane and La Trinité in Martinique. Through her career in Business Management, Operations, leadership, and Supply chain management Marie collaborated with her sister Certified Coach Emeline Aziale to build MESeed from the ground up. MESeed is built on years of experience and life case studies. Her journey has allowed her to build transparency with her audience. In her coming book, Aupair to Boardroom, Marie Laurianne shares her journey with humor and bold transparency. 


Marie Laurianne mantra is a constant quest to be the best version of one’s self. As she is described she runs towards life, lives, and grows every day. She strives every day to make the world a better place, one coaching and one interaction at a time. 




➢ Professional Coach

➢ Simultaneous interpretation of French to/from English

➢ Certified Reiki Practitioner

➢ Operation and Lead Processes

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